album john barry

les albums de john barry

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The Living Daylights

john barry - The Living Daylights
104:16The Living Daylights
202:04Necros Attacks
302:30The Sniper Was a Woman
404:05Ice Chase
502:47Kara Meets Bond
602:23Koskov Escapes
703:37Where Has Every Body Gone
802:50Into Vienna
902:17Hercules Takes Off
1003:13Mujahadin and Opium
1103:12Inflight Fight
1202:54If There Was a Man
1306:22Excercise at Gibraltar
1402:21Approaching Kara
1502:22Murder at the Fair
1602:43"Assassin" and Drugged
1704:37Airbase Jailbreak
1803:34Afghanistan Plan
1901:46Air Bond
2001:58Final Confrontation
2103:22Alternate End Titles