album green adams

les albums de green adams

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Unsung Musicals II

103:50Stomp the Blues Away (Honky Tonk Nights)
204:22Roadside (Roadside)
302:35Lawyers (A Broadway Musical)
402:50One Promise Come True (The Yearling)
503:49That Man Is Doing His Worst to Make Good (Carnival in Flanders)
605:08Sleep, Baby, Don't Cry (Carib Song)
702:54Everything in the World (The Yearling)
803:10For a Moment of Your Love (Carnival in Flanders)
903:21Smashing New York Times (A Broadway Musical)
1003:40When It Happens to You (The Red Shoes)
1104:16The Memory of Tonight (Arthur! The Musical)
1206:24I Took My Time (Honky Tonk Nights)
1303:07Run, Run, Run Cinderella (Foxy)
1403:35Beyond My Wildest Dreams (Merlin)
1504:54Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom of the Opera)