album green adams

les albums de green adams

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Der Gerwelt / Nargathrond

108:20Sons of the Moon and Fire
208:37Revelation 666
308:16Thy Darkness and Hate
401:12Descending in the Mist
506:57Nordic Power (Bonus)
603:30Let My Dreams Become Your Nightmares
805:26Carnal Lust and Wolfen Hunger
901:30Across the Circle's Edge
1003:39Ixaxar (Mira De Intimis Gentibus Lilyae, De Lapide Hexecontalitho)
1105:59The Coldness of Venus
1203:43Sweet Red Divine
1303:26Mael Bennique
1402:40I Saw Them Dying
1505:44Saducismus Triumphatos